The Colorado Association of Black Professional Engineers and Scientists (CABPES) is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging African Americans and other underrepresented youth to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers.
We envision a community whereby the number of minority STEM professionals will increase to the level that better represents the minority population, while assisting industry in meeting the growing demand for STEM professionals.

Dewey F. Brigham, Jr., Ph.D.,
President, and Executive Director
Dr. Dewey Brigham became the Executive Director of the Colorado Association of Black Professional Engineers and Scientists (CABPES) in 2018. He has been President of CABPES since 1995 and has been dedicated to preparing African Americans and other underrepresented minority students for STEM careers.
A 1974 graduate of Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU), a HBCU, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology, Dr. Brigham went on to earn a Master of Science Degree in Construction Management from Colorado State University and a . . .
Our Goals
Encourage African-American and other under-represented youth to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers
Increase donations and sponsorships to aide our future STEM profressionals in achieving their goals
Assist industry in meeting the growing demand for STEM professionals